In the series episode Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, the show which has a high number of viewers due to its inviting idea to think of the world scientifically and explore what life can really be in this universe. Just by listening to the first minute or so of the introduction of the episode I could tell that the tone is very optimistic of the future and how technology and science will allow us to grow and have great things to look forward too. If you hear the narrator's voice you can see how he makes our small galaxy sound so great and not too mention he makes how existence sound very insignificant and small. There is an amazing vast world out there and that we should get started on trying to explore it to its fullest.
Rothstein's quote gives you the impression that humans value more scientific theories rather than take up a humanitarian view only because we try to accept and help out of fellow people, but we fear and are awed by the notions of what science really is. Even though a lot of people might not believe in the theory of evolution we still have this curiosity to know what really is out there beyond our Milky Way galaxy. The Cosmos series seems to give us hope and curiosity to know what really are the possibilities and realities of life outside our mere small world. I think Cosmos does an excellent job portraying and conveying the message that science is enormous and that there are many things that science has yet to discover giving us this feeling of wanting to find out what it really has in store for us.
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